Monday, March 17, 2008

Don't hold your breath.

Caroline Baum of Bloomberg News suggests a John Galt Plan to fix the economy.

Today's economic and financial crisis would resolve itself more quickly and efficiently if the government got out [the hell] of the way.
But her own closing remarks demonstrate why it won't happen.

The bigger the mess, the more urgent the calls for a government solution, the more willing government is to oblige.

The purpose of the U.S. government since and including the New Deal isn't to protect people's rights, Caroline. It isn't even to ease every burden, as the Left would have you believe.

The purpose of post-Depression government in the United States is to grow the government.

And the people wouldn't stand for that if all the problems were solved.

So the problems won't get solved. The government will continue to cause problems and claim it's solving them, so the poor and uneducated will continue to believe they're being "rescued."

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